I understand your pain
I carry the same burdens as you do
I feel misunderstood just like you
There isn’t a space for us, only internally, but that isn’t so safe. To be alone with our anger, sadness, and tears.
Because for some reason, we were taught to be strong. But, being strong keeps us suppressed and blocks us from freedom. That’s what society wants, right? Why can’t we be free? We watch others continue to live freely as we sacrifice our freedom to make space for love ones. We make it look easy, putting our goals and dreams aside with a smile on our face because we know that one day we will get the chance to be free, right? Black men we don’t need you to fix it, we just need a safe space.
Black woman we have 2 choices when faced with challenges, either tear shit up or silence ourselves. But why does our silence offend them and our wrath leaves us being “the angry black woman”? Where do we rest? Where do we breathe? Oh, alone with our anger, sadness, and tears. Because for some reason, we were taught to be strong.
Keela Reed