About Me
Brand Story
My spiritual journey began when I medically retired from the military and started my civilian journey. But, I didn't leave the service without bringing a lot of trauma with me. I was diagnosed with anxiety, panic disorder, major depression, and endured three miscarriages. Upon leaving the military, I thought to myself, "The stress will finally be off of me and I can live again."
I was wrong. That new life didn't come that easy.
In fact, I went through a very dark time. Right when I started my terminal leave, the pandemic happened. Not only was I experiencing a big life change with retiring from the military, but also, I felt isolated. It was hard for me to find my purpose. I gained weight and I turned to things that weren't good for me. Everyone had to stay at home, my husband was away for work, and it was just me and my child at the house.
I'd done so much in my career, to all of a sudden having everything disappear seemingly in an instant. I was asking myself, "what now?"
Have you ever asked yourself that question?
This was a season of loneliness, confusion, and quite transparently--anger.
There were various things in my life that set me back. Some generational hurdles also came to my realization at this time.
I was looking for answers; I was looking to heal. I felt that there was no one to help. I just shut myself off from everyone.
When I looked to my family for help, I realized they were just as lost as me. I told people my issues, but no one had the "right" answers.
I came face to face with the sobering realization that no one could help me so I shut the noise of the world off.
I didn't let people into my life. I was emotionally vulnerable.
That's when, at one of my lowest points-- I started meditation. It was hard, but I knew I needed to make a change.
I started attending therapy session through Zoom. I finally had a therapist who helped me deal with my issues. Some friendships came to a close and I was mindful of how I positioned myself in new relationships. I realized the type of mother that I was. During that time, I also approached a childhood abuser.
I wanted to be helped and healed, but I was afraid to address my issues. By taking my mental and spiritual health in my hands, I was able to look at things from a different perspective.
I had to initiate my healing and I knew that God would take me the rest of the way. I was using my voice and I was getting power from that.
I might have shown bravery during my time in the military, but now, I was emitting a different kind of bravery.
These days, I've realized that my personal healing has helped to heal my household. My husband is now on his spiritual journey. My daughter is learning who she is as a unique being, and I love it.
Peace started to come. I started to understand my mission--my new mission. I wasn't going to find my answers from external sources, I was going to find those answers from within me. And that's what I help others do as a certified life coach.
Through Journey of a Butterfly, LLC, I coach my clients to a place of mental wellness and inner peace through 1:1 coaching, mentorship programs, sacred circles and retreats.
There is power in your voice. There is power in your bravery. And whether or not you feel brave right now, just know that your answers live within you. I am grateful to uncover those one at a time alongside you.